A Post of Worth:


Poem - You Earned This No.1 Mother Mug

Author: bitterhusk / Date: 2016-05-08 @ 06:00 am /
Tags: holidays / poems / personal stuff /

For Meem.

Mother, Ma, Mema, Meem
Frosts a cupcake,
Loafs a meat,
Blots a teardrop,
Soaps scraped knees,
Let's me live in her house for next to free (because I'm an unemployed loser),
Nags a coat on,
Teaches things,
Worries for me,
Keeps things clean,
Calls me "lambchop", "spring chicken", or "dumpling" (even though I'm old now),
And so much more.
I love you!


A dear friend of high learning and natural oratory gifts has deigned to lend her unctuous voice to the above poem's otherwise silent letterforms.